parshat Chukat

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pexelsThe Messiah Will Teach us How to Speak
View the lesson of the Rabbi>>
  • The Tumah of Utensils
    How are slingshots like Tefillin? What is the difference between a sack and a sock? How is an earthenware oven different from other earthenware utensils?
  • Holy Talk is Not Cheap
    why did Moshe not merit to enter Eretz Yisrael? Considering that the Torah says the reason is Moshe’s misstep by hitting the rock to have its waters flow, another way to present the question is: what was so bad about hitting the rock?
  • Purity and Gratitude
    The purity of the red calf gives us a warm and feeling heart, that will bring us to our redemption.
  • Spirituality Needs Body Builders
    Considering why the Red Heifer ritual is mentioned at the end of the 40 years in the desert, as opposed to the rest of the Temple rituals mentioned in Leviticus. Hint: It has to do with body building, not going to the bathroom, and - you guessed it - the Land of Israel.
  • Insights
    The Spirit Always Prevails
    A Shiur by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed for the weekly Torah reading (In Israel)of Chukat
  • Rav Kook: The Definition of 'Good' Is: 'Life'
    Rav Kook explains why the constructive punishment for murder was the destruction of Y'rushalayim & exile from Israel. G-d loves life and is the force behind all life, and in fact, defines "Good" as "Life". The goal of the Torah is Tahara or Life, and accordingly murder, or the taking of life is not only tragic morally but ideologically and philosophically, stands, like Tum'ah, in total contradiction to the message of life, which supersedes the other mitzvot. Israel is meant to be a life-educating "Light to the Nations" from Y'rushalayim, through building an ideal Jewish State, but if we aren't fulfilling that goal, then our capitol and national life are counter-productive.
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